Siete pronti per lo Speak Christmas Quiz 2023? Il nostro staff lo ha già testato fra un brindisi e una fetta di panettone nel nostro ufficio dove si respira da giorni il clima delle feste!
Potrete organizzare il quiz con i vostri colleghi, amici e in famiglia tra una portata e l’altra durante il cenone.
Ecco le nuove 30 domande su curiosità, gossip, cultura natalizia ed eventi passati o futuri, only in English!
Le regole sono semplici e le risate e il divertimento sono garantiti in questa tradizionale sfida made by Speak!
Le regole sono semplici:
- Il quiz è in inglese e deve essere giocato in inglese quanto più possibile! Le domande sono di difficoltà linguistica e culturale variabile.
- Non chiedete aiuti da casa, a Google, Siri o Alexa! Concentratevi e confrontatevi con la vostra squadra!
- L’ideale sarebbe giocare in gruppi di 3 o 4 persone ed un Quiz Master che, secondo la tradizione, deve recitare la parte di chi prende il quiz molto seriamente e indossare indumenti o accessori stravaganti in tema natalizio. Ogni squadra deve decidere un proprio nome.
- In caso di disputa sulla validità di una risposta, la decisione finale spetta al Quiz Master.
- Nel seguente link potrete scaricare le domande e le risposte (che avrà solo il Quiz Master).
Question 1: Which company celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2023 which all began with a 21-year old man moving to Hollywood in July 1923?
Question 2: Which famous scientist who developed the three laws of motion, was born on Christmas day 1642?
Question 3: Which country will host the Euro 2024 football tournament next summer?
Question 4: And which city will host the Olympics?
Question 5: Who wrote the Christmas novel "A Christmas Carol"?
Question 6: Which guest couldn't find her seat at the coronation of King Charles?
Question 7: What did Italy ban in March of this year?
Question 8: What is the name of the Kingdom in the film Frozen?
Question 9: Which famous Italian politician died in June 2023?
Question 10: This year’s Eurovision Song Contest was held in Liverpool. But which country won?
Question 11: What do SpaceX intended to do during 2024?
Question 12: Port, the Portuguese fortified wine often drunk at Christmas, is produced exclusively in which valley in northern Portugal?
Question 13: In which country is it tradition to eat KFC for Christmas dinner?
Question 14: Apart from February 29th, which is the least common day to be born?
Question 15: What decoration do elves traditionally have on their shoes?
Question 16: In Spain, when do you typically exchange Christmas gifts?
Question 17: Which two countries hosted the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup?
Question 18: What is the name of the shortest day of the year?
Question 19: According to the Nativity story, which animal carried Mary before she gave birth to Jesus?
Question 20: Which country became the 31st member of NATO in April 2023?
Question 21: In which US state would you find the town of Santa Claus?
Question 22: What is special about February 2024?
Question 23: How old is Kevin McCallister in the film Home Alone?
Question 24: What does Harry Potter receive from Dumbledore during his first Christmas at Hogwarts?
Question 25: Which female rock legend died in May 2023?
Question 26: Who became the king of England on December 25th, 1066?
Question 27: Which country will assume the presidency of the EU in July 2024?
Question 28: What did 93-year-old astronaut Buzz Aldrin do in January 2023 (for the fourth time)?
Question 29: Who won the Sanremo festival last February?
And finally…
Question 30: Complete the words to this song: “Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride _________________” (6 words)
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Quello di Speak è un approccio innovativo all'apprendimento della lingua basato sulla conversazione e sulla pratica dell'inglese per potenziare rapidamente le abilità spesso più trascurate nello studio tradizionale: lo Speaking ed il Listening.
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