Speak for Yourself

Language in Context | #6 - 'New Beginnings'

Scritto da Joe Lang | 30/08/18 8.51

Vocabulary in Context - New Beginnings


The materials included in the Watch & Listen and Read sections of Speak for Yourself #6 all include a lot of rich vocabulary which describe New Beginnings, time references, starting things and stopping things. Here below is a list of the main vocabulary taken from each resource with its original phrase and a corresponding translation in Italian.

Make a note of the new vocabulary you have learned in a notebook and try to integrate the terms into your English, expanding your vocabulary and fluency.



1. It can be difficult to get on with things (Watch & Listen 2)

To get on with (phrasal verb) – Portare avanti qualcosa


2. It was at the top of my to-do list (Watch & Listen 2)

To-do list (noun) – Lista delle cose da fare


3. I didn't get round to it (Watch & Listen 2)

To get round to something (phrasal verb) – Trovare tempo per fare qualcosa


4. It's funny how time slips by (Watch & Listen 2)

Time slips by (noun phrase) – Il tempo passa


5. 'You may delay, but time will not' (Watch & Listen 2)

To delay (verb) - Rimandare


6. I thought we were going to move on? (Watch & Listen 2)

To move on (phrasal verb) – Andare avanti


7. We are too focussed on the present, and reluctant to engage in tasks that relate to the future (Watch & Listen 2)

To be reluctant (adjective) – Essere riluttante


8. If you think about time in smaller units, you are more likely to start a task (more) quickly (Watch & Listen 2)

To start a task (verb phrase) – Cominciare un compito


9. I doubt he wasted much time procrastinating! (Watch & Listen 2)

To waste time (verb phrase) – Perdere tempo


10. Turn off your tech and knuckle down to your tasks (Watch & Listen 2)

To knuckle down (phrasal verb) – Rimboccarsi le maniche/mettercela tutta


11. We often underestimate how long things will take us (Watch & Listen 2)

To underestimate time (verb phrase) – Sottovalutare il tempo


12. It was supposed to take five years (Watch & Listen 2)

To take time (verb phrase) – Richiedere/aver bisogno di tempo


13. They had to start again (Watch & Listen 2)

To start again (verb phrase) - Ricominciare


14. And talking about time – ours is running out(Watch & Listen 2)

To run out of time (phrasal verb) – Non avere più tempo a disposizione


15. You never see the hell of September coming (Read 2)

To see something coming (verb phrase) – Prevedere


16. You get to follow your kid’s schedule (Read 2)

To follow a schedule (verb phrase) – Seguire un programma


17. September? You, I dread (Read 2)

To dread something (verb) – Temere qualcosa


18. The 24/7 all-inclusive resort you’ve been running all summer will be shut down (Read 2)

To shut down (phrasal verb) – Chiudere/cessare un’attività


19. Wait. You are not done yet (Read 2)

To be done (verb + adjective) – Da fare ancora


20. They wanted a girl at the last minute (Read 3)

At the last minute (time adverbial) – All’ultimo minuto


21. I dropped out of college not knowing what I wanted to do with my life (Read 3)

To drop out (phrasal verb) - Ritirasi


22. This will encourage you to follow your heart (Read 3)

To follow your heart (verb phrase) – Seguire il tuo cuore


23. It turned out to be curable and I’m fine now (Read 3)

To turn out to be (phrasal verb) - si è rivelato essere

24. I started over and was free to be perhaps the most creative I have ever been in my life (Read 3)

To start over (phrasal verb) – Ricominciare da capo


25. It clears away the old and makes way for the new (Read 3)

To clear away the old to make way for the new (expression) – Liberarsi del vecchio per far posto al nuovo